Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2034

The Neighbourhood Plan is being revised for the period 2019 – 2034

The Parish Council has been informed by Chichester District Council that the area of the parish (Chidham, Hambrook and Nutbourne East), in their preferred approach will be required to take by 2035 a minimum of 500 dwellings and a two-form entry primary school with supporting facilities and infrastructure.

The parish council was further informed that if the parish council did not take decisions as to where these dwellings and other facilities should be placed, then the District Council would take the decision for us.

While we can object, and will possibly do so, the advice we have received is that any objection will simply fail. On this assumption, the parish council has decided to review the existing neighbourhood plan through establishing a steering group made up of volunteers from the community.

Please volunteer. On the parish council news page on the village web site, the relevant section of the District Council’s Local Plan review, which informs our own Local Neighbourhood Plan Review, is given. In so placing this information on the website, it will hopefully keep everyone in the loop as to exactly what is being required of our ‘semi-rural’ parish.

Jane Towers
Chair – Chidham & Hambrook Parish Council


Consultation 2022 

The Parish Council consulted with parish residents on the Neighbourhood Plan Strategy earlier this year.

The results have now been analysed and they are available. A flyer has been delivered to all residents of the parish over the last few days and is available here. The full response is available here.  

Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan 2012-2029

Chidham and hambrook NP 2015

The Chidham & Hambrook Parish Council made an executive decision in 2013 to produce a Neighbourhood Plan (NP) in line with the Government’s Localism Act 2011. The act is designed to give communities a stronger voice in planning decisions and a real choice about the future development of their area. This NP should therefore shape development and subsequent growth of the area in line with both the local and wider requirements of the district. The NP laid out here is therefore designed to meet this requirement up to 2029. It is to be reviewed at prescribed intervals during this period and as required thereafter. 

This plan is the statutory Neighbourhood Development Plan document for the Parish and covers the whole of the Chidham & Hambrook area, as designated under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) regulations 2012. Since 2014 this area now includes the residents of Nutbourne East which was originally part of the neighbouring Parish of Southbourne (see Map 1).
You can view the reports of our meetings on the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee page. 

Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

Neighbourhood Plan Consultation 14 September 2019, Village Hall, 2pm to 5pm- The plan for new housing in the parish: Find out about progress so far, and have your say. Let us know what you think. Members of the Chidham & Hambrook Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group will be present to answer your questions.